Be Our Affiliate Partner & Earn Passive Income

If you are a job seeker and you need to earn money, then it’s a program for you. For the career profile creation, we will charge 3000 BDT to make your business card, salary account, office ID card, and credit card. After that, we treat you as an affiliate partner: where we have a dedicated team for your career profile; who will maintain your salary and income module. Be our Affiliate Partner, And make your career Profile with us. We will provide you with a platform where you can earn with us! Create your career profile as an affiliate partner | We will give you passive income & opportunity to travel around the world!


Compensation & Benefits:

The company will treat you as an employee and you will join us as an affiliate partner. We will work together as a commission based. And we will make your career profile to earn money with us! By following 4 simple steps will help you to make your career with us:

  • Join us as an affiliate partner and share yourself as our valuable partner.
  • Make your affiliate career profile and enjoy up to 10 lacs credit card.
  • Enjoy our B2B travel partner ID.
  •  50% profit share from all kinds of transactional activities.
  • Every month fixed passive income opportunities.
  •  Every year enjoy a free tour with us!


Required papers:

  1. passport size photo
  2. NID And Passport
  3. Salary Account with us!


Terms & Conditions:

1. You will draw a monthly salary as per company rules.
2. Colabrotae with our project assitant.
3. For your profit-making; you have to concern about your duties.
4. Our main concern is to make the highest profit together; that’s the reason we investing our time in you.
5. Our full project is connected with financial turnover and B2B portal ID. We will not only help you financially but also our activities will help you to make a solid career profile. And with this profile, you can get any country’s visa as well.

After signing from both parties you need to concern about your profile creations and sales. As we described we are concerned about money-making, and we appointed you to touch the highest profit together. Remember that you need to promote yourself; we are a platform to guide you.

Make Your Career Profile As An Affiliate Partner

Make your career profile with us and be our affiliate partner and earn money. By this step, you can create your career profile in the travel industry in Bangladesh. Which will help you:

  1. We will give you a career profile; which help you to get any country’s visa and bank credit cards. For the career profile creation, we will charge 30$ | 3000 BDT to make your business card, salary account, office ID card, and credit card apply formalities we charge this amount.
  2. After a career profile creation, we will treat you as an affiliate partner, where we will help you to earn money with our B2B business module!
  3. We will give you a B2B portal ID; there you get a B2B price. You can make money with your B2B account; simply you need to work as a travel agent.
  4. Every month our credit card department will utilize your credit card balance and they will pay you a certain income as our partner. This is a strategy you really going to love because everyone loves passive income.
  5. From the whole partnership strategy you not only earn money but also get a profile; which will help you to get any country’s visa and make a bright feature.



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