API stands for Application Programming Interface. APIs act like building blocks and allow you to create applications much faster. It is more efficient and convenient to use the capabilities of one of the APIs than to try to independently implement similar functionality. Travel API is connected to access the travel inventory from GDS, a third-party flight API. Travel agencies can access travel deals online through Travel API. It’s called 3rd generation travel system with works with API and a few clicks. For details, you may read the details of travel API.

What is Flight API?

An API permits you to incorporate outsider GDS/Wholesaler stock/takes care of into the booking motor on your site. So when a client makes a hunt to book a flight or an inn on your site, they won’t be diverted to another site and the installment will be gathered by you. We provide GDS, Airlines, and flight API globally.

We have all kinds of flight API and we are the only flight API provider in Bangladesh. From us, you can buy a cheap flight API. Such as GDS API (Travelport, Sabre, Amadeus), US Bangla Airlines API, Indian LLC API, Novo Airlines API and more. The price of our Flight API starts at 650$.

Our Flight API allows accessing content from more than 300+ LCCs and 800+ GDS airlines around the world. We help travel agents and service providers transform their business, uncover new opportunities and create new value chains with global airfare inventory. Click Here To Download Our Airlines List  |

Here is the Administrator Backend:

  • Click on Link and then log in with the user ID & Password.
  • user id: demoadmin@zoo.family
  • password: admin

Here is the User Backend:

  • Click on Link and then log in with the user ID & Password.
  • user id: demoadmin@zoo.family
  • password: admin

What is Hotel API?

Hotel API is a web service providing online functionality for searching and booking hotels. These Hotel API manage rates, availability, and variety of accommodations allow you to offer clients with best options for their ideal stay in a particular city. Hotel API is also called Hotel Booking API.

Hotel APIs are web services XMLs that facilitate travel companies to gather data such as information, availability, and pricing from multiple hotel XML suppliers and aggregate them into a general user interface. This allows end-users to search and book hotels globally utilizing a single hotel booking system. Web services XMLs are utilized to communicate between the booking system and hotel aggregators online, thus enabling buyers to get seamless results from all the hotel API suppliers.

Here is the Administrator Backend:

  • Click on Link and then log in with the user ID & Password.
  • user id: mydemo
  • password: zooFamily786

Here is the User Backend:

  • Click on Link and then log in with the user ID & Password.
  • user id: demouser@zoo.family
  • password: zooFamily786